CRPRC Studiorum
CRPRC Studiorum

“Studiorum” signed the Krakow Declaration on Iodine

Tasks and responsibilities for prevention programs targeting Iodine deficiency disorders

On 17 April, 2018 European researchers from 27 countries including Macedonia, represented through its EUthyroid Consortium member “Studiorum” presented their research on iodine deficiency disorders researched under the umbrella of the Horizon2020 research and innovation action EUthyroid (Project ID: 634453) at a meeting at the Jagiellonian University. EUthyroid project comprises 31 partners from 27 countries and with a budget of € 3 million will make a significant contribution to analysing the status quo of iodine deficiency prevention measures in Europe.

The Krakow Declaration recognizes the concerns of European researches about the deteriorating commitment of policymakers to addressing iodine deficiency in Europe, and calls for action from policymakers to undertake measures to eradicate iodine deficiency, towards avoiding significant burden on public healthcare systems.

The signatories of the Krakow Declaration on Iodine call on policymakers, public health officials, scientists and the public all of them together to ensure that existing strategies to prevent IDD are implemented across Europe to reach and secure a sufficient iodine status across Europe. The particular measures they are calling for:

  • Methods of IDD Prevention: Regulators and policymakers should harmonize obligatory Universal Salt Iodization to ensure free trade of fortified foodstuffs in Europe. Similarly, iodized animal feed requires regulatory approval to ensure free trade within the EU.
  • Control of IDD Prevention: National governments and public health authorities have to perform harmonized monitoring and evaluation of fortification programs at regular intervals to ensure optimal iodine supply to the population.
  • Support for IDD Prevention: Scientists, together with public-health care workers, patient organizations, industry and the public, should support measures necessary to ensure that IDD prevention programs are sustainable, as appropriate within a rapidly changing environment and further social awareness of the issue.

The Krakow Declaration on Iodine demands national governments and public health officials to be aware of their responsibility to take care of the sufficient iodine status of their populations instead of relying on scientists and other stakeholder to take action. This is the only way to eradicate iodine deficiency disorders in Europe.

More information, for The Krakow Declaration on Iodine is available at

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