CRPRC Studiorum
CRPRC Studiorum

“Successful companies in a successful society” (2006-2007)

The extent to which social, environmental and ethical risks and opportunities are managed to both preserve and grow shareholder value are increasingly coming into focus.
Successful corporations have a long record of commitment to sustainable development and Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR). They are seen both as part of the strategy to create value for shareholders.

The overall goal of the Project Successful companies in a successful society is introduction and enhancement of the Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) concept in Macedonia.

Specific goals are:

  • development of CSR index for Macedonia and its promotion in the business community;
  • public awareness raising and visibility of the CSR index;
  • ehnancement of its application and improvement of the corporate social beahviour in the business community.

The offered model of the CSR Index includes several components:

  • workplace (business practices of the management towards the empoyees and shareholders),
  • marketplace (relationships of the company with consumers and business partners),
  • natural environment and
  • relationships with the community.

Effects of the corporate social behaviour will be evaluated on two levels:

  • direct effects (e.g. improvement of workplace conditions in direction of improved efficiency of use of human and material resources) and
  • indirect effects (e.g. treatment of and care for consumers� health, protection and promotion of natural environment, increased participation in the community, etc.).

Materials (Only Macedonian versions)

presentation �CSR Brochure�.

presentation �EU Day – 9th of may 2007�.