CRPRC Studiorum
CRPRC Studiorum

Studiorum took part at a conference on research in social sciences in Macedonia

The conference “State of Social Sciences Research in the Republic of Macedonia” took place on April 14, 2011 in Skopje (Hotel Kontinental). The event managed to attract the attention and participation of many think-tanks from Macedonia, as well as of representatives from state and private universities, the Ministry of Education and Sciences, as well as independent researchers. The participants debated on several topics, including the role of universities in social science research, financing of social sciences, political interference in research, cooperation among organizations, universitities and institutions in Macedonia, as well as social sciences research trends.

Conclusions and recommendations were drawn on possible future actions. The main recommendations and conclusions refer to promoting international standards in research and publication of results, changes in legislative pertaining to research, encouraging young researchers and increasing their mobility, improving cooperation among interested parties, increase of funds allocated to research, increase in transparency and decision making processes and sharing of results, as well as enabling easy and cheap access to data bases.
The conference was organized by FORUM – Centre for Strategic Research and Documentation, and Analytica, and supported by the Swiss Regional Research Promotion Program (RRPP).

Such conferences were held, aside from Macedonia, in Serbia, Bosnia and Herzegovina and Albania.

Studiorum conducts a project with RRPP’s support on the topic of health equality and health care in Macedonia.

The research results will be published soon on our website.