ЦРИС Студиорум
CRPRC Studiorum

Experimental biodiesel production in Eastern Macedonia on agricultural soil contaminated with heavy metals (2006-2008)

The objectives of this project are to contribute towards cleaner environment, better human health and local economic development, through experimental production of biodiesel on farmland contaminated with heavy metals. This Project is experimental production of biodiesel from crops grown on the agricultural land contaminated with heavy metals. This would achieve multiple effects: 1) soil decontamination by the method of phytoextraction; 2) protection of human health by preventing consumption of contaminated food; 3) effective utilization of the agricultural produce, that is otherwise unusable for human and livestock consumption and 4) increasing the local economic development by contributing in the farmers` budget with biodiesel that can be used instead of petrodiesel for the agricultural equipment.

Production technology of autumn hibrid cultures/crops


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Photographs of the event:


Experimental biodiesel production in Eastern Macedonia on agricultural soil contaminated with heavy metals

01 02 03 04

Project Description

Aims and activities;
The overall aims of this project are to contribute towards cleaner environment, better human health and local economic development, through experimental production of biodiesel on farmland contaminated with heavy metals. The project invites every interested person to apply for participation in the farming activities, contributing his/her land and workforce; in other words, the project offers equal opportunity to both male and female farmers, as long as they are willing to commit to the successfulness of the project together with CRPRC