CRPRC Studiorum
CRPRC Studiorum

Marking the European Antibiotic Awareness Day

On the occasion of the first European Antibiotic Awareness Day 18 November 2008, new European wide surveillance data show that the emergence of bacteria resistant to antibiotic treatments is increasing, while control programmes in a number of countries are producing results.

Background to the first-ever European Antibiotic Awareness Day

The European Antibiotic Awareness Day is a European public health initiative to raise awareness about the problem of antibiotic resistance, and to provide information on how everyone can contribute to preserve the efficacy of antibiotics. Doctors, nurses, pharmacists, politicians and consumers need to be made aware of the dangers of improper use of antibiotics. In 2008, European Antibiotic Awareness Day is focusing specifically on the need for everybody to reduce any unnecessary use of antibiotics. Unnecessary use includes taking antibiotics without a prescription from a doctor or requesting antibiotics to treat a viral infection such as a cold or flu. When prescribed antibiotics, people need to follow the precise instructions from their doctor on how to take them and always complete the course – even when they start to feel better. European Antibiotic Awareness Day campaign is marked across Europe for the first time on 18 November 2008.

Promotional materials in Macedonian and Albanian language

Media coverage of the event