CRPRC Studiorum
CRPRC Studiorum

Start of the Second Year of the Pilot Training on Active Citizen Participation

After the successful completion of the first year of the Pilot Training on Active Citizen Participation, the Center for Regional Policy Research and Cooperation – CRPRC Studiorum with the support of the Association of Local Democracy Agencies (ALDA) started with the implementation of the second year Pilot Training on Active Citizenship. The pilot training aims at strengthening knowledge and skills of local authorities and civil society organizations which are interested in the topic of active citizenship and in European citizenship in particular.

The first in the line of events within the frame of the second year of implementation was Training for Trainers on Active Citizen Participation session held in Strasbourg 14th to 18th of September 2009. This will be followed by training sessions with representatives from the local government and the NGO sector organized in three modules, with an expected start of activities in November 2009. This second year Studiorum will implement the training within the municipalities of Bitola and Prilep.

Through this pilot training Studiorum and ALDA (supported by the European Commission) aim towards promoting active citizenship through direct involvement of the local authorities and civil society organizations as actors working on citizenship, participation and democracy. Trainings for Active Citizenship will also be implemented in France, Italy, Denmark, and Lithuania.