CRPRC Studiorum
CRPRC Studiorum

Studiorum contributes to the WHO Draft Global action plan on antimicrobial resistance

AMR_2014_posterRecognizing the importance of a global approach to combating antimicrobial resistance, Studiorum participated in the online consultation held by the World Health Organization between 4 July and 1 September 2014. Requested to develop a relevant draft global action plan, the WHO opened the online consultation so to ensure that the views and contributions of all interested organizations and other groups will be considered in the plan development process.

As an important agent in this field at national level, Studiorum provided information on many aspects including on how to increase awareness and understanding about AMR, identify the most important approaches for preventing development of infections and the steps needed for their effective implementation, as well as how to optimize the use of existing antimicrobials for human and animal health and in agriculture. The comments of all respondents are available at the following link:

Integrating the commitments, perspectives and roles of all relevant stakeholders, the Draft Global Action plan will be presented to the Executive Board in January 2015 and finally to the Sixty-eighth World Health Assembly in May 2015.