CRPRC Studiorum
CRPRC Studiorum

European Conference

Patients RightsA growing European concern and framework for action

Chairperson: Antonio Gaudioso: Deputy Secretary Cittadinanzattiva

Opening  remarks

Mrs. ANDROULLA VASSILIOUEuropean Commissioner for Health

Mr. GRAHAM WATSONLeader of ALDE group

The  European Patients’ Rights Day: a citizens’ initiative

MELODY ROSS: Director, Active Citizenship Network 


Patients Rights: a growing European concern and framework for action

STEFANIA KAPRONCZAY – Head of Patients’ Rights Program- “Hungarian Civil Liberties Union” 

MAGDA BOJARSKAInsitute for Patient’s Rights & Health Education, Poland – 

KARIN KJLTHOFFZorgbelang Gelderland,  Netherland

LAURE ALBERTINI: Directeur du Département des droits du patient et des associations Services centraux, Assistance Publique Hôpitaux de Paris , France 

LIENE SULCEPatients’ Rights Ombud Office, Latvia

PIETRO GRASSODirector General of District Department of Health  Rome, Italy

MEPs who participated in the debate:

Mrs. Riis-Jørgensen Group of the Alliance of Liberals and Democrats for Europe
Mrs. Gutierrez-Cortines Christian Democrats
Mrs. Catiuscia Marini Socialist Group in the European Parliament
Mrs. Liz Lynne Group of the Alliance of Liberals and Democrats for Europe
Mr. Iles Braghetto  Christian Democrats


Patients’ Rights in Europe: the role of EU institutions

Chairperson: ANDRZEJ RYS: European Commission, DG Health and Consumers

ANTONYA PARVANOVA: Member of Bulgarian Parliament

NICOLA BEDLINGTONEuropean Patient Forum 

JOHN CLAVEPharmaceutical Group of the European Union 

NICOLAS DECKER: Board member of EPECS, Netherlands


Photo gallery from the event