CRPRC Studiorum
CRPRC Studiorum

“Providing access of Roma to personal identification documents: a Regional challenge”, Council of Europe Conference in Skopje, 14-15 June 2010


CRPRC Studiorum’s representatives participated in a Council of Europe Conference “Providing access of Roma to personal identification documents: a Regional challenge” held in Skopje, 14-15 June 2010. The conference was part of the events organized within the frame of the Macedonian Chairmanship.

The Conference was envisaged as an opportunity for discussions between relevant national stakeholders and participants from the region on this difficult problem. The access to personal identification documents directly influences the possibility for acquiring citizenship, thus the possibility for enjoying the benefits of the state protection, including protection of Human rights.

CRPRC Studiorum’s representatives and representatives of the Organization for Women and Children Rights Protection “LIL” used the opportunity to re-emphasize the importance of the issue of acquiring citizenship for the Roma – habitual residents, as the current legislative frame presents an obstacle for these people to acquire citizenship of the Republic of Macedonia. Position paper on this topic compiled by the two organizations “In the Limbo: Determining the Status and Citizenship of Roma in Macedonia – Targeted Resolving of Citizenship Status of Romani Habitual Residents in the Republic of Macedonia” was distributed on the Conference.

Position paper download links:

Position paper: “In the Limbo: Determining the Status and Citizenship of Roma in Macedonia – Targeted Resolving of Citizenship Status of Romani Habitual Residents in the Republic of Macedonia” (.pdf)

Кратка информација: “На полпат: стекнување со правен статус и државјанство на Ромите во Македонија – Целно решавање на статусот на државјанство на затекната група граѓани – Роми во Република Македонија” (.pdf)

Harni informacija: „Ano dopaš drom: Lejbe legalno statuso thaj themeskere lila vaš e romani ani Makedonija – E statuseskoro pharuvipe thaj lejbe themeskere lila vaš e manuša – Roma arakhline ki Republika Makedonija”  (.pdf)

Useful links:

Conference Website:,_Skopje.html