CRPRC Studiorum
CRPRC Studiorum

Legal Analysis on HIV/AIDS Legislation in Macedonia from Human Gights Perspective Presented

One of the recommendations of this analysis is that the domestic legislation needs to be in compliance with international standards, especially with the current interpretation of the right to health, as well as to protect the right to access to and availability of HIV prevention, right to privacy, right to nondiscrimination etc. In addition, it is recommended that the Government should delegate some of its responsibilities (for example, addressing legal and ethical issues) to the newly established Commission for Protection Against Discrimination.

Key recommendation in this analysis is effective and efficient implementation of the Law on Prevention and Protection Against Discrimination, and that the relevant provisions of the Criminal Code be implemented with due diligence to avoid possible violations of the rights of people living with HIV/AIDS, as well as wider implementation of programs for which is proven to reduce HIV transmission and at the same time protect the rights of people living with HIV and people that are HIV-negative.

The Legal analysis of HIV/AIDS legislation in the Republic of Macedonia from human rights perspective was presented in Skopje on May 16, 2011. This independent review of the legislation was conducted by a group of experts throughout 2009-2010, and is supported by the United Nations and the UN Theme Group on HIV/AIDS in the Republic of Macedonia.

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Media coverage (only in Macedonian language):