CRPRC Studiorum
CRPRC Studiorum

Health Policy Dialogues (HPD)

Public Health
Noncommunicable Diseases (NCD) Healthy Aging

link-iconWorkshop on developing a program for a two-day training on the use of EPHO online interactive tool for self-assessment

link-iconWorkshop on finalization of the Draft-Action Plan for Public Health 2020

link-iconWorkshop on validation of the tool for self-assessment of public health operations and preparation of Action Plan for Public Health 2020

link-iconWorkshop on initiating the self-assessment process of the Essential Public Health Operations

link-iconInitial meeting for establishing Policy Dialogue on Public Health on national level

document-iconИницијативен состанок за воспоставување дијалог кон транспонирање на Глобалната мониторинг рамка на СЗО за незаразни болести на национално ниво

document-iconДијалог за превенција и контрола на незаразните болести на национално ниво – втор состанок

document-iconSocio-Economic Determinants of Healthy and Active Aging in Macedonia

link-iconAgeing is a challenge, yet an opportunity for the society!